In this Interview, Alhaji Yunusa Muhammad Danyaya with Idris Doya talks about the creation of new emirates in Kano, where he urged politicians to be lenient with the traditional institutions
Your Highness, as one of the oldest emirs in the North and a custodianof its rich culture, we came to hear your view on what recently happened inKano Emirate, how it will affect the traditional institution and its people
Excerpt: These kinds of happenings are very hard for one to
explain their effects. If not because of your coming, our own would be only topray for the best. However, since you find it important to know our views,because of our age and as one of the oldest emirs in Northern Nigeria, it willnot be out of place if we talk about it. The most important thing for us is toplead to both sides that are involved.First, of all and honestly we are not happy with whathappened in Kano. I only agreed to speak on this issue because of my positionas one of the oldest emirs in the North, both on the throne and age.
Apart from the Emirs of Zazzau and that of Jama’are, I don’tthink I have contemporaries in the whole of the North at present.
Therefore, as an elder statesman I considered it a wisedecision on your part to have sought my personal views on this issue which isimportant in the history of Nigeria.
First of all, politicians or governments must be tolerantand patient with the traditional institutions. They should also be more lenientin punishing Emirs that might have done something wrong. They should not be toohard on the traditional institution like we witnessed in Kano. To me, whathappened in Kano was unfortunate, it is something least expected. The onlything that remains for us now is to plead with the government to look into thematter while we give some pieces of advice to the Emir.
What we know since the Colonial times and after Independenceduring the times of Sardauna, there was never a direct affront on thetraditional institutions like we are witnessing in recent times. Thetraditional institution is tied to the history and culture of the people. Fromthe time the traditional institution is bastardised, the entire history and culture
of the people would be bastardised. Any community or nation that deviates orbastardised its history would lose identity and cannot be identified as realhumans.What I am saying now is that, the Kano State government, theEmirate and the Kano State House of Assembly should unite, see beyondpersonalities and save our pride and rich heritage together.
Kano Emirate is very old. It has been in existence for over2,000 years since the Habe Dynasty till the time the Fulanis came. There is noEmirate like Kano in the whole North, their own is unique. Sokoto, Borno,Gwandu emirates may be bigger in terms of prestige, but when it comes to thereal display of culture and popularity, Kano Emirate is incomparable to anyEmirate.
If Kano Emirate is trampled upon, that will send a verywrong signal to the traditional institution and the people. That is why I ampleading with the Kano State government, the Kano Emirate as well as wellmeaning individuals of repute to please have a holistic approach to thesituation. The Emir and all other stakeholders should unite and save theprestige and respect that Kano enjoys not only in Nigeria but the world over.
If we ponder well, what happened in Kano will have a verynegative backlash on the Emirate, the people, the Princess and the entireNorthern Emirates. The action should have been a bit restricted, but the way itwas implemented through the fragmentation of the Emirate was unfortunate. Butwe hope that, stakeholders will see reason and something would be done to save thesituation. Our fear is that, if what happened stands, the Emirate would beweakened and there would be many setbacks which will not augur well foreverybody in the long run including the people, all members of the Emirate andother Emirates in the North.
We are not denying that, the Emir might have done somethingwrong, he is human, but our advise is that, if there is any infraction on thepart of the Emir, the action to be taken shouldn’t have been so harsh to gobeyond him and affect the entire Emirate and its people. This affects the wholehistory and lineage of the Emirate up to its founder, Emir Dabo. That is why, Iam still pleading to the authorities to tread with caution on the matter andavoid hasty decisions. No matter what happened, patience and reason should haveled the way to resolve the impasse before the decisions are made or actions aretaken.
Like I told you, I am one of the oldest Emirs in the Norththat spent a considerable time on the throne. There are about 20 governors whogoverned Bauchi State during my reign and up till now almost all of them arealive except about four or so that died. So, we have witnessed so many things.Another thing is that, Emirs are almost always in a dilemma especially with thepoliticians. The dilemma is that, we want to be neutral, but we are alwaysexpected to be loyal to the government in power. So if you support thegovernment you will not be seen as partisan, but the moment you are suspectedof being close to the opposition, you will be regarded as “Traitor”.Our loyalty therefore must always be with the government. However, despite theseeming loyalty of the traditional institution to the government, we are almostalways being treated with disdain and our rights being encroached upon which iseroding the respect to the traditional institution. I always respect all thegovernments in Bauchi State since my ascension to the throne and I wouldn’twant my Jurisdiction being undermined.
Like I said, in thepast when the Colonial masters were ruling the country and when we gotindependence when Sardauna and Tafawa Balewa took over, Emirs were not beingsubjected to ridicule because they were respected. Even when an Emir is accusedof wrong doing, the committee to investigate will never invite an Emir anywhere,but will go to the Palace and meet him out of respect in order to hear his sidebefore any action is taken. Even if an Emir is to be deposed, it will not bedisclosed as a deposition but a ‘Resignation”. All this is being done inorder to preserve the dignity of the traditional institution.
Countries like England are being respected in the worldbecause of their preservation of their cultural heritage through theirrespected Monarchy. That is what gives them respect in the world. So, we willnot be fair to ourselves, our children, grandchildren and the other generationsto come if we decide to disrespect our Emirates and nobody will respect usagain.
My advice is that, before decisions are taken, the Emirsshould be consulted to offer their advice. I would even suggest the formationof a special traditional council to be headed by the Sultan of Sokoto, Shehu ofBorno and the Emir of Gwandu so that, if an Emir erred, the government willrefer his case to the Council for proper advice and recommendations.
So, I am pleading if anything happened that involves any ofthe Emirs not only Kano but anywhere, the Emirate should be accorded respect,not because the person occupying the throne has done something wrong, then theentire Emirate is disrespected, because it will be an affront on its dignityand heritage. I am still maintaining that, we are very loyal and have respectfor governments and constituted authorities.
Nobody will be happy with what happened in Kano, whether itis the Emir’s fault, the Government’s fault or any other person’s fault. Whatwe want is for all sides to sheath their swords, come together and resolve theissue amicably. Because what happened is not about Sanusi Lamido Sanusi alone,it affected many people far and wide especially the people of Kano Emirate andother Emirates in the North.
In conclusion, haven’t expressed my personal opinion on thematter, I am still pleading to all parties to restore the pride of not only theEmirate, but Kano and its people. Restoring the dignity and pride of Kano isvery important to its people and for all of us.