
How Depression Fuels Poor Academic Performance, Drug Abuse Amongst Kashere Students

Nigeria as a diverse nation is grappling with an increasing mental health crisis, as millions of its citizens suffer from various mental disorders. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that a whopping 20% of Nigerians, or around 40 million people, are affected by some form of mental illness. 

Some of Nigeria’s most prevalent mental illnesses include depression and anxiety disorders. In 2017, about 7 million Nigerians (3.9% of the population) had depressive disorders, and 4.9 million Nigerians (2.7%) had anxiety disorders. On top of this, substance abuse disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality disorders are common in Nigeria.

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Mental illness poses many negative implications. It can affect people from all walks of life regardless of their career as it is sometimes attributed to stress. Students, however, are not an exception.

 In most cases, mental health struggles like depression are often dismissed as ‘Oyinbo‘ ‘Western problems’ or brushed aside as signs of weakness or spiritual issues. But for students at the Federal University of Kashere (FUK), the heavy burden of high expectations, academic pressures, and a lack of support to cope with the situation can be a solid reason for mental health disasters, from substance abuse to self-destructive behaviors.

Reported Suicides

In some extreme cases, some students reportedly committed suicide when they had had to contend with depression. In 2022, a final year student at FUK, identified as Nalkur Zwalan Kar committed suicide on the 22nd of November outside his compound at night. He was rumored to have family and relationship issues which affected his mental health before he tragically took his own life.

There are several reported cases of students taking their own life elsewhere. In 2018, a student from The Federal University of Technology, Owerri, committed suicide by jumping off the campus building, it was reported that he suffered depression.

Similarly, in December 2019, a 400level student at Ahmad Bello University also committed suicide by consuming a poisonous substance as a result of relationship issues. 

Struggling with Depression

A depressed FUK student who is struggling to survive it and chose to stay anonymous shared her experience of the mental problem ” I have never agreed that I was a depressed person, but now I’m starting to believe because nothing excites me anymore. My grades keep dropping and my family are not happy about it, I am not happy about it as well. I don’t feel happy at all, and I wish I could speak to someone who will listen to me, but I don’t want to look like a psycho, because this is seriously affecting me.” she said.

Another student, Jane James (not real name) who was withdrawn from the institution last year due to poor academic performance also recounted her experience. ” I stopped going to classes, I deliberately missed tests because what difference would it have made? I was already tagged a bad person by people around me. Now I’ve been withdrawn”.

For Geoffrey Bitrus (not real name), another student in the institution, substance use induced depression has had a grave impact in his life. He admitted that excessive consumption of alcohol, poor diet and constant exposure to ‘toxic’ environments were leading recipes for’ mental struggles’ and’ increased stress levels’ in his life. 

“We are all aware of the implications of these substances. They don’t really help us fill the void, but when we find ourselves in the situation, we are to find solutions…. I know you don’t know what I mean but sometimes you know the problem but not able to find a solution…” He explained. 

He further added that he believes that high expectations, social pressures and transition to a new environment can be a cause of depression and anxiety.

Speaking with a lecturer at the Psychology Department of the Federal University of Kashere Gombe, Mr. Dabit Joseph, identified the most common mental health challenge in the university as ‘Substance Use Induced Depression, which could be traced as a result of socio economic and academic factors.

“We have received cases related to substance use induced mental health challenge which students indulge in Alcoholism, use of narcotics like Marijuana, Tramadol, etc.” 

He further stated that the root causes are as a result of number of reasons which are very relatable to the students. “Peer pressure, feeling of belongingness which is mostly associated with people new to the problem, low self-esteem which is feeling that everyone is better than them either in academics or in real life situations. Also, Poor Academic performance is a major cause among r the prevailing root causes.” he added that both genders are gravely affected by the problem. 

He averred “Most of the affected students have behaviors such as depression which could lead to suicide, schizophrenia which is lost touch to reality, social isolation, underperformance, hallucinations and delusions and this certainly affects not just their academic performances but their life at large.” 

On his part, Dr. Ezekiel Ezra, another Physiologist said “Mentally disturbed people tend to show various behaviors such as aggressiveness.  Some tend to be reserved, some absent minded, others fearful. Irrespective of the signs they show, most of them are affected negatively in terms of their academic performance…” He added.

“The most common mental issue faced by students and youth is depression. Root causes vary from school demands and frustration, bullying, peer pressure, trauma, hopelessness and fear of failure…” He added.

Mr. Joseph offered solutions to this prevailing issue by suggesting a weekly awareness programme on mental health to be aired on the campus radio station. 

He also called on the school management to to set up a Mental/Psychological health service center to manifest into the struggles of the students, staff and even the Kashere community at large, which could in managing the problem.

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