In the heart of Maiduguri, an ancient city marred by relentless Boko Haram insurgency, Sutiya Kolo, becomes a symbol of resilience and entrepreneurship breakthrough. Kolo transformed her adversity into an opportunity, creating a thriving business selling perfumes and room fresheners.
Kolo’s journey of success from fear to fortune represents the indomitable spirit of Northeast women who refuse to be broken by insurgency and retarding culture.
“It was a time of great uncertainty,” she recalls. “But I know I had to find a way to survive and provide for myself and others.”
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In the middle of the Boko Haram insurgency, Kolo identified an opportunity. Despite the despair and terror, she noticed that people still yearned for small comfort to bring normalcy to their lives. She established Suti-Multipurpose selling body mix perfumes, room fresheners and fragrances.
“Today, I excel in the business because I operate in Maiduguri and all over the North. Here I am attending the Northeast Regional Trade Fair in Bauchi,” she explained.
WikkiTimes reports that when this reporter visited Borno State Pavilion at the trade fair venue, Kolo was the only businessperson from Borno still selling her products. “I cannot leave until I either sell my products or the trade fair ends,” she said.
Happy with earnings made from her business venture, Kolo doesn’t look up to employment from the government despite being an educated woman. “I cannot accept any government opportunity that could deny me a chance to continue my business,” she insisted.
It would be recalled that about 38,255 persons lost their lives to the Boko Haram insurgency. Also, the insurgency displaced about 2.2 million people.
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