
‘I have no apology recommending Chroloquine as cure for COVID-19’—Bauchi Gov

BalaMohammed, Bauchi State Governor said he has no apology whatsoever recommending

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Chroloquine, Zithromax, Zinc and victim C as useful consumables that would beof help to patients of Coronavirus.

Thegovernor was responding to a question interrogating his recommendation for themedical consumables on account of lack of clinical approval of the said drugsas cure for COVID-19.

Thegovernor who said the drugs in question was what he uses when he was inisolation said since there is no vaccine for the virus, people should followthe medical counsel of their physicians.

“Pertainingwhat I said about the use of Chloroquine, Zinc, Zithromax and vitamin C for thetreatment of COVID 19 that I was misquoted.

“I wasonce a COVID 19 patient, how did I get cured, I only made a recommendation andit is not a recommendation of the committee for COVID 19 in the state.”

“I haveno apology for saying that I used Chloroquine, Zinc, Zithromax and vitamin C toget cured, but Allah cured me.

“To me,it is better you take something rather than sit down and die. We have notrecorded any death in Bauchi state and I still maintain that. The person thatdied came after the test and you can see that we have 80 patients. By the graceof Allah, Allah will heal all our patients.”

“It isnot Chloroquine or anything; many countries are using modern medicine to combatthe pandemic. It is a common knowledge that COVID 19 has no vaccine and drugs,we are just grappling in the dark, but if you have symptoms of fever, you takeChloroquine and cure it.

“If youhave symptoms of infection, you take Zithromax and cure it. If you have symptomof weakness, you can take Panadol to cure it. You don’t need a doctor, howeverdoctors are prescribing. I did not take these drugs on my own, I took it basedon the recommendation of my doctors”, he said.

GovernorBala during the covid-19nupdate in the state said, Bauchi State has recordedadditional 3 cases of the novel coronavirus, tallying the number to 73 activepatients while 6 discharged.

The governor said he had instructed the state’s task force on the coronavirus to intensify massive testing and contact tracing to enable the state have full control on the number of cases who might be positive for the virus.

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