
TCI trains Bauchi Journalists to amplify advocacy on policy commitment

The Challenge Initiative Nigeria has organized a three day workshop for journalists in Bauchi state aimed at accelerating advocacy to policy makers on family planning.

Rabi Ekele, Bauchi state program coordinator The Challenge

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Initiative, says “we have identified media as a key stakeholder in ensuringthat accurate information is provided for women of reproductive, so we felt weneed to collaborate with partners like Development Communication Networks tobuild their capacity to effectively report on health related issues”.

Rabi said the workshop will equip journalists with relevantknowledge that will help them intensify on advocacy and demand accountabilityfrom government, in addition to their conventional news coverage and reportage.

The TCI coordinator who described the media as criticalagenda setter urged journalist in Bauchi to be proactive in educating theirrespective constituents on family planning and engage the government oncritical areas of the health sector.

On his part, Akinolu Akinpelum, Head of Operations, DevelopmentCommunications Network said the three day training “will help journalists do abetter reportage on child spacing” which he hopes will address some myths andmisconception surrounding family panning particularly in northern Nigeria.

Akinpelum who said consistent media reportage on familyplanning will sharpens the media’s role in advocating for better policycommitment, argued that accountability among the policy makers on child spacingwas critical to nation building.

The workshop will engage journalists from the print andelectronic media on new approaches and strategies of intensifying betterreportage in the health sector.

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