
Bauchi Schools Get Trees Donation to Fight Climate Change

In an effort to mitigate climate change in Nigeria, the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation Foundation Limited has planted about 500 tree seedlings in selected girls’ secondary schools in Azare town of Bauchi State

The Foundation also trained secondary school students on strategies to champion environmental awareness campaigns in their communities.

This, it noted, was to promote good practices for environmental sustainability and preservation as part of activities marking the 2024 World Environment Day themed: Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Residence held at the Government Girl’s Day Secondary School (GGDSS) Azare. 

Managing Director (MD) of NNPCL Foundation, Mrs Emmanuella Arukwe said that the foundation’s mission is to support environmental sustainability through impactful initiatives such as reforestation, conservation and education.

She said the foundation is planting 70 tree seedlings at the GGDSS Azare, adding that, “Today, we celebrate yet, another World Environment Day. A day to remind us of our responsibility to protect our planet. We only have one Earth, our home. We must all join hands together to keep it clean, green, and beautiful.”

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NNPC Mega Filling Station

The MD, represented by Engineer Mohammed Bawa, said that the focus of the campaign is to inculcate practical, hands-on skills to ensure active participation in the tree planting exercise to instill a sense of responsibility and ownership towards environmental conservation. 

“The NNPC foundation is committed to continuing monitoring these plants at all locations to restore degraded lands, build resilience against drought and improve livelihoods.

“Let’s plant more trees, reduce our carbon footprint, and conserve water. Let’s say no to single-use plastics and yes to sustainable living. Let’s protect our wildlife and their habitats. Let’s make a promise to ourselves and future generations for a safe and sustainable environment.

“We can make a difference, one small step at a time, with commitment and faith. Let’s start today, and let’s work together to create a better future for all. Remember, every small action counts, and together we can make a big difference. Remember, every small action counts, and together we can make a big difference,” she said. 

Responding, the District Head of Azare represented by Engineer Magaji Dahuwa commended the foundation for selecting Azare, for the project and for targeting girls’ students to participate in the campaign which requires collective efforts to reduce global warming.

He charged the participants to put into practice what they learnt by planting a tree in their respective homes and stepdown the training to other women in the society to intensify the awareness about tree planting campaign to reduce challenges facing the environment.


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