
‘I Will Not Condone Thuggery’ — Bauchi Monarch Warns

Ahmed Sulaiman, the emir of Misau Emirate in Bauchi State, has advised parents to warn their children to shun thuggery.

The monarch described as worrisome, the high rate of theft and robbery cases reported in Misau town and its environs. He, however, warned that the emirate council will not fold its hands and allow the trend to go unchecked.

In his Sallah message to the people of the emirate, the monarch admonished parents to be vigilant about the activities of their wards and report any suspicious element to relevant authorities, noting that the emirate will continue to give full support and cooperation to security agencies to arrest and prosecute anyone found wanting.

“We are strongly calling on the parents to be watchful of their wards behaviours, we will not condone acts of indiscipline exhibited by youths in the form of thuggery, (sara-suka) theft of people’s properties. We will give necessary support and cooperation to security agencies in tackling this menace,” he said.

He also called on farmers and herders to live in peace with one another during and after harvest season, while enjoying the people to intensify prayers for continued peaceful coexistence in the country.

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The emir’s warning, WikkiTimes understands, was in reaction to series of incidents of phones and motorcycles snatching, burglary and direct attacks on residents of the area.

Operatives of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps had recently arrested four suspects that specialized in robbery, shops and house breaking and attacks on innocent citizens with dangerous weapons. The suspects confessed to have stolen motorcycles, wrappers, television, handsets among others.

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