
NYSC Calls For Better Water Supply To FCT Orientation Camp

The FCT Coordinator of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Alhaji Suleman Abdul, has called for better water supply to the orientation camp.

Abdul made the call while addressing the Batch A, Stream I, corps members during the closing ceremony of the orientation course at the Kubwa orientation camp in Abuja on Tuesday.

“The major challenge we had was inadequate water supply to the camp.

“We depended solely on our boreholes and water tanks throughout the orientation course period,’’ he said.

He said that corps members have been posted to all area councils of FCT according to the needs of the communities and their various disciplines.

Abdul urged the corps members to quickly integrate with their host communities in order to identify its problems and intervene appropriately through their community development service projects (CDS).

The Coordinator challenged the corps members into passing down knowledge acquired through the NYSC skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development programme (SAED) to their host communities.

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“You have all gone through the skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development programme (SAED). I urge you to step it down to your host communities to help in eradicating poverty.

“You must strive to leave your host communities better than you met them,’’ he said.

He reminded the corps members that truancy during service year shall not be tolerated, adding that defaulters shall be sanctioned in line with the provisions of the NYSC Bye-laws.

Mr Sunday Dare, the Minister of Youths and Sports urged the corps members to be good ambassadors of Nigeria as they serve the nation in their respective places of primary assignment during the one-year mandatory service.

Dare said that the NYSC scheme demonstrates the Federal Government’s commitment to the future of Nigerian youths for national growth and development.

While inspecting the guard of honours mounted by the corps members, the minister charged them to “Go forth to your different places of primary assignment and put the country, your host community first.

“I urged you to imbibe the culture of service and impact on the communities, societies, and the companies where you will serve,’’ he said.

The minister while declaring the orientation course close, urged corps members to build enduring networks they can look back and say “it has been a fruitful year”.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that corps members resumed orientation camp on March 10 and closed on March 30, while the 2021 Batch A Stream II is expected to resume camp in May. (NAN)


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