Kano Govt. Trains 1,130 Volunteers On Maternal And Child Health

The Kano State Government on Saturday said that it has trained 1,130 female community volunteers to help promote Maternal and Child Health in the state.

The state Commissioner for health, Dr Kabiru Getso, made this known on Saturday at a press conference to mark the National Safe Motherhood Day.

Getso said that the state also trained 220 community engagement focal persons to advocate the importance of maternal health.

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According to him, 7,000 branded wrappers were distributed to pregnant women who attended antenatal clinic to encourage them.

Getso said that 176 midwives have been posted to rural health facilities to complement the ones on ground.

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“We also enrolled and paid annual premium worth 115,080,000 for 10,000 women and 10,000 vulnerable children.

“The state government is ready to provide quality health services for mother and child,” Getso added.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that National Safe Motherhood Day is celebrated every May 22 globally.

This year’s theme is “Improving Demand, Access and Utilization of Maternal Services in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic” with slogan the “Quality, Equity and Dignity for women.” (NAN)


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