
Bauchi Lawmaker Provides Free Surgery To 200 Constituents

No fewer than 200 persons have benefited from free surgical operation provided by members representing Kirfi local government area in the Bauchi state Assembly, Abdulkadir Umar Dewu.

The lawmaker said the gesture is part of his efforts to help restore and revive the lost hope of the beneficiaries who have been suffering from different health challenges in his constituency.

Dewu explained that the initiative was aimed at giving access to better healthcare services to those who can not afford due to their economic condition, adding that the project was introduced after a thorough research and discussions with stakeholders in the area.

The lawmaker who reiterated his commitment to serve his people well, pledged to continue with the free surgery as well as introduce other programs that will impact positively in the lives of his people up to the end of his tenure.

Speaking to our correspondent, 19 year old Appendix patient, Saude Dalha who was on admission at Kirfi General Hospital, appreciated the gesture of the lawmaker.

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Narrating her ordeal before the surgery to newsmen in Kirfi, Saude  said she has been battling with stomach ache for more than three months, an ailment that has consistently affected her ability to move or carry out her usual activity.

“But thank God, now with this intervention from our lawmaker which provided us with free surgery, I can now feel that my health status has been changed for better”, she said.

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Saude, who came from a poor family that could not afford her medical bills, expressed gratitude that she has now found relief under the free surgery intervention offered by the lawmaker.

On her part, Saude’s mother, Malama Sabuwa said they could not raise the amount of money demanded by the Hospital before the introduction of the free surgery.

According to her, their economic condition had prevented them from solving the health challenges of her daughter, adding that, “we have been living a miserable life, but we thank God that someone has assisted us”.

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Another beneficiary, Amina Adamu said the free surgery has helped save her life and that of her new born baby because the child delivery was made possible through surgery as sponsored by the lawmaker.

A community leader, Mallam Ahmad Tijjani Dewu said the entire community is happy with the gesture of the lawmaker, saying it has greatly helped the poor to get medical treatment.

The Chief Medical Director of Kirfi General Hospital, Dr Usman Musa Usman said since the beginning of the program four months ago, over 200 people have benefitted within the community.

Dr Usman while calling on other lawmakers and philanthropists to emulate the house of assembly members, said he has provided all that is required for the program to succeed.


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