Court remands 30-yr-old man for allegedly raping minor in Osun

An Osogbo Magistrates ‘ Court in Osun on Thursday ordered the remand of a 30-year-old tailor, Abdulrasaq Sodiq, in Ilesa Correctional Center for allegedly raping a 13-year-old girl.

Sodiq pleaded not guilty to the charge preferred against him, but the Magistrate, Mr Taofeek Badmus, ordered the remand of the defendant in Ilesa Correctional facility.

Badmus, who denied the  bail application by the defendant’s counel, Mr Okobe Najite, adjourned the matter until Oct. 14

Ealier, the Police Prosecutor, Insp Adeoye Kayode, had told the court that the defendant committed the offense on Sept. 11, at about 8:00pm, at Sabo Area, Osogbo.

Kayode alleged that the defendant indecently assaulted the 13-year-old by having unlawful carnal knowledge of her.

He said the offence contravened section 360 of the Criminal Code Cap 34 Vol ll , Laws of Osun, 2002.

The Defence Counsel, Mr Okobe Najite, prayed the court to grant his client bail in the most liberal terms. (NAN )


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