
Fact-Check: Did a Man Divorce His Wife While in Labour After He Was Told She Would Go Through the Cesarean Section at AKTH?

For the past few days, the social media space especially Facebook and Twitter have been flooded with stories of a nursing mother Bilkisu who was reportedly divorced by her police officer husband in Kano. It was claimed that the incident happened at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital.

The Claim:

A Facebook profile by name Aysha Mahmoud posted that a man identified as a police officer divorced his pregnant wife in Kano because he was not ready to pay for her cesarean section while she was in labour.

Aysha Mahmoud later identified the woman’s name as Bilkisu. The story went viral on Facebook pages of many people especially from northern nigeria.  

Later, Aysha added, “This is Bilkisu with the child that she gave birth to. When she was in labor, her husband divorced her.

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Bilkisu does not have a phone. Her father, who has one, also has a broken phone. I wanted to get his number but he did not have it. I gave them mine, and they promised to call me when they get home, since they were discharged today.

They told me they live in Gunduduwa. Until now, Bilkisu’s husband has not contacted them. And they have not named the child yet.

I will upload the interview we had with Bilkisu and her father when I get a good network, as he told me he borrowed money to pay the hospital fees they were asked to bring.”

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Verdict: False

Verification: The Management of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital has denied reports that Bilkisu gave birth in the facility. Instead, she was brought to the facility after some complications with the baby and her baby was admitted at the special baby care unit of the hospital,not the mother.

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Hauwa’u Inuwa Dutse, the Public Relations Officer of the hospital said from available records, Bilkisu and her baby were referred to the facility after she gave birth in another hospital within Kano city due to certain complications with the baby.

“Honestly our investigation showed that she didn’t give birth here. She gave birth in another hospital in Kano and I can’t remember the name. The baby was admitted at the Special Baby Care Unit for medical attention”, clarified Hauwa’u.

Similarly, Balkisu’s relative who spoke to Freedom Radio Kano said they were transferred from another hospital after she gave birth following discovery of some complications with the baby.

“She gave birth and the baby was brought here, they (health officials) said she needed a blood transfusion and her husband was informed of it. He agreed in the first place but later on he came back in anger, abusing her saying he can’t pay twenty thousand naira for blood transfusion. He was even saying he didn’t mind if the mother and the baby died”.

“However, the following morning he also came back to the hospital frustrated, saying he will divorce her and be free from the burden. He then divorced her instantly”, said her relatives.

Further Evidence

A FaceBooker, Abubakar S Mikail, corroborated the hospital claims, confirming that Bilkisu and her husband reside in the Gundumawa area of Kano. She gave birth at Sir Sunusi Hospital in Yan Kaba, Kano and they were referred to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital and the baby was admitted at the Unit.


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