
Police confirms Gov Bala’s brother’s kidnap

Police in Bauchi state have confirmed the kidnap of Governor Bala Mohammed’s brother by unknown gunmen in the evening of Wednesday.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the command, DSP Kamal Datti Abubakar who made the confirmation in a press statement circulated to journalists in Bauchi on Thursday said the victim was kidnapped in Unguwar Jaki area of Bauchi metropolis.

“From the report available to the Command, the incident took place yesterday Wednesday 25/03/2020 at about 1920hrs”, the DSP Kamal said.

He said that the Governor’s brother was kidnapped by four(4) unknown gunmen all armed with AK47 rifles who took him to unknown destination.

According to the PPRO, “efforts are on top gear to rescue the victim”.

WikkiTimes reports that Governor Bala Mohammed has been in self- isolation since he was confirmed positive of COVID -19 virus by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

The Senior Special Assistant on Media to Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi state, Alhaji Muktar Gidado had told WikkiTimes that the Governor’s brother was kidnapped around 7.30 pm on Wednesday.

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