
COVID-19: Gov Yahaya commends inventors of ventilator in Gombe, pledges support

Gombe State Governor, Mohammed Inuwa Yahaya has commended and appreciated the breakthrough made by some illustrious of the state for fabricating Ventilator to support the ongoing battle against the coronavirus pandemic.

It can be recalled that, Dr.Yunusa Muhammad Garba of the Human Anatomy Department, Gombe State University; Aliyu Hassan, a graduate of Mechatronics Engineering and Usman Dalhatu, a 200 level student of Mechanical Engineering at ABU Zaria, all from Gombe invented a ventilator.

The Governor who was visibly happy, pledged the support of his administration to the young innovators to achieve their dreams and even obtain the patent to produce more for the world.

According to him, “I commend you for this innovation and guarantee you of my support and that of my administration in this your endeavor. We are indeed proud of you”.

The Governor also directed the Secretary to the state Government and the Commissioner of Science, Technology and Innovation to liaise with the Presidential Taskforce on Covid-19 and the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology respectively as well as other relevant agencies and organisations with a view to attracting patronage for the young inventors.

He added that, with the Gombe industrial park in the offing, young scientists and innovators will have a platform to leverage on and showcase themselves and their products to the world.

“If we can go back to the rudiments, pursue and improve on what we have, we can be like Japan and China who utilized their local talent to achieve greatness. We have the brains and intellectual resources to become a reference point like other developed nations”. The Governor noted.

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WikkiTimes reports that the three young innovators were accompanied to the Governor’s office by the Commissioner of Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari and senior officials of her ministry.


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