
Daura LG Chairman donates bulls to NULGE

The Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) has commended Alhaji Abba Mato, the Chairman of Daura Local Government Council of Katsina State, for donating seven bulls to the union for the recent Sallah festival.

Malam Habibu Bala, the Daura local government branch chairman of the union, made the commendation in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Daura on Monday.

Bala said the council released N750,000 to the union which was used in procuring the bulls, slaughtered and distributed the meat free of charge to the 1,200 local government staff.

“The bulls were procured and slaughtered a head of the last Sallah. I think it was two days to the festival,’’ he said.

He noted that the gesture was unprecedented and contributed in promoting the welfare of the workers and their families as each of the staff went home with large share of the meat and celebrated the festival in a happier mood.

Bala therefore called on other council chairmen to emulate the gesture to further reenergise the workers and motivate them to perform optimally.

On their part, the NULGE chairman pledged to reciprocate the gesture through commitment, loyalty, dedication to duty and hard work.

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He also disclosed that the council recently released N125,000 to the union as logistic support to enable it process the 2019 promotion of 315 local government personnel to their next grade levels.

NAN recalls that no fewer than 522 Daura local government workers were promoted to their next grade levels in the last three years.

In a related development, the Sandamu Local Government Council of the state had disbursed N5 million cash gifts to 500 staff as Sallah gesture to motivate the workers.

Alhaji Sani Jarkuka, the council Chairman, disclosed this in an interview with NAN in Sandamu on Monday.

Jarkuka said the cash was disbursed in three categories as some of the staff and politicians got N20,000 each while those in the second category collected N10,000 and N5,000 each.

He said the funds were released to the council by the state government in order to motivate their people in the area, promising to promote the welfare of workers and party loyalists.



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