Eid-el-Kabir: Here are 10 Things You Should Do on Eid Day

Eid-el-Kabir, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, is one of the most significant Islamic holidays, commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in obedience to Allah. As Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate this holy day, here are ten acts to observe to make the most out of it:

Glorify Allah with Takbeers: Begin your day by praising God with takbeers (Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillah il-hamd). This is an essential practice to show gratitude and reverence to Allah.

Fasting Before the Eid Prayer: While it is not obligatory, fasting before the Eid prayer is a commendable act. It signifies devotion and enhances spiritual connection as you prepare to celebrate the day.

Take a Ritual Bath (Ghusl): Performing a ritual bath (ghusl) before the Eid prayer is a recommended practice. It symbolizes purity and cleanliness as you prepare to present yourself before your Creator and the community.

Wear Your Best Clothes: Adorn yourself in your finest clothes to honour the significance of the day. Wearing new or clean, elegant attire reflects the joyous and celebratory spirit of Eid.

Apply Perfume: Applying perfume is not only signifies cleanliness but also spreads a pleasant fragrance, adding to the festive atmosphere. However, women should not apply perfume when going out for the prayer.

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Do Not Pray Voluntary Nawafils at the Eid Ground: Refrain from performing voluntary nawafils (extra prayers) at the Eid ground before the Eid prayer. This practice ensures the sanctity and focus of the congregation on the main Eid prayer.

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Listen to the Khutbah: After the Eid prayer, it is crucial to listen attentively to the khutbah (sermon). The khutbah offers valuable lessons and guidance relevant to the occasion and Islamic teachings.

Change Your Route When Returning: It is a Sunnah (tradition of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W) to take a different route when returning home from the Eid prayer. This act signifies spreading the joy to a wider community and encountering more people to share greetings with.

Slaughter Animals and Eat Food After the Eid Prayer: Slaughter your animal if you have. And it is customary to eat after the Eid-el-Kabir prayer. This act follows the Prophet’s tradition and signifies the start of the day’s festivities and sacrifices. It is also sunnah to eat from your sacrificial animal.

Give Charity and Gifts, and Visit Your Relatives: Eid-el-Kabir is a time for generosity and kindness. Give charity and gifts to those without it or with not enough. Celebrate with relatives, friends and family but within the confines acceptable in Islam.


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