
FG Faces Backlash Over Signing Agreement that Promotes LGTBQ

The federal government faces backlash from groups and individuals in Nigeria following signing the Samoa Agreement, a $150 billion deal reportedly containing clauses promoting LGBT rights.

Although it was not known until recently through the Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Atiku Bagudu. The signing has provoked strong reactions from clerics, rights activists, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) who argue the agreement undermines Nigeria’s cultural and religious values and sensibilities.

The Agreement

The Samoa Agreement, signed on November 15, 2023, in the Pacific Island nation of Samoa, requires underdeveloped and developing countries to support LGBT rights in exchange for financial aid from advanced nations.

Daily Trust reports that Minister Bagudu confirmed that Nigeria ratified the agreement on July 1 during a reception organized by the European Union (EU) in Abuja. However, Bagudu’s media assistant, Bolaji Adebiyi, refuted claims that the agreement mentions LGBT rights or same-sex marriage.

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Adebiyi emphasized that the documents signed were strictly for Nigeria’s economic development. He insisted that misinterpretations of Articles 2.5 and 29.5, which discuss gender equality and reproductive health, have led to unfounded allegations about the agreement promoting LGBT rights.

Public Outcry

The response to the agreement has been overwhelmingly negative from various quarters in Nigeria. Sonnie Ekwowusi, Chairman of the Human and Constitutional Rights Committee of the African Bar Association (AfBA), labeled the agreement as a threat to Nigeria’s sovereignty and democracy. Ekwowusi argued that Nigerian officials who signed the agreement were either unaware of its implications or disregarded the country’s values.

Religious bodies have also voiced their opposition. The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) and the Abuja Muslim Forum (AMF) reaffirmed their stance against LGBT rights, citing religious teachings.

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Abubakar Akande, the NSCIA’s Administrative Secretary, and Alhaji Abdulrazaq Ajani of the AMF, called for a reevaluation of Nigeria’s commitment to the agreement.

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Not Presented to the NASS

Rep. Rabiu Yusuf, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Treaties, Protocols, and Agreements, stated that the Samoa Agreement had not been presented to the National Assembly for consideration. This raises questions about the transparency and procedural adherence in the agreement’s ratification.

According to Daily Trust, a coalition of African CSOs expressed disappointment, viewing Nigeria’s signing of the agreement as a betrayal. Barrister Richard Kakeeto, a Kenyan lawyer with Family Watch International, criticized Nigeria’s decision, urging citizens to hold their legislators accountable and demand a withdrawal from the agreement.

Nigerian Law

Nigerians’ opposition to LGBT rights is rooted in their religious and cultural values that frown at same sex relationship. Similary, the Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act signed into law in 2014 by former President Goodluck Jonathan, which criminalizes same-sex relationships. The current backlash underscores the enduring sensitivity surrounding LGBT issues in Nigeria.

The Samoa Agreement has ignited a national debate on Nigeria’s engagement with international treaties and its commitment to cultural and religious values. As the controversy unfolds, the federal government faces mounting pressure to clarify its stance and possibly retract the agreement to align with domestic sentiments and legal precedents.


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