Felix Tangwame, the Adamawa State Commissioner for Health said at least 42 people have been confirmed dead in the state as a result of the Measles outbreak.
He explained the affected victims hailed from Mubi and Gombi local governments of the state.
Tangwame disclosed this to journalists shortly after the state executive meeting on Friday.
He further noted that the outbreak had impacted eight Mubi constituencies and seven Gombi, with 131 and 177 people affected respectively.
The commissioner added that except for Lamorde, all other local governments of the state have been designated as potential outbreak areas.
World Health Organisation (WHO) described measles as a highly contagious, serious airborne disease caused by a virus that can lead to severe complications and death.
It spreads easily when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes and can affect anyone but is most common in children.