Sokoto State Govt. releases N6m for free treatment of patients

The Sokoto State government on Thursday released N6 million to various hospitals and pharmacies for free treatment of patients across the state.

The assistance which came through the state Zakkat and Endowment Commission was a monthly exercise to ensure a healthy society in the state.

Malam Muhammad Maidoki, the Chairman of the Commission who distributed the money, said the gesture was part of the government commitment toward assisting the needy in the state.

“This exercise is not for the indigent alone rather all needy in Sokoto state that deserve and need assistance.

“Today like always we are disbursing the sum of N6 million to our various partners for the treatment of both psychiatric and other patients across the state.

“Therefore, I urge our partner hospitals and pharmaceutical shops to remain committed in ensuring proper utilisation of the funds allocated to them,” he said.

Maidoki, however, appealed to all citizens to assist with the little they can in order to contribute towards achieving the desired objective of the state government.

He further commended Gov. Aminu Tambuwal for sustaining the free healthcare initiative and urged other leaders and wealthy individuals to follow suit.

NAN reports that the benefiting hospitals include: Kware Psychiatric Hospital, Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) and Specialist Hospital, Sokoto.

Others are- Wamakko Orthopeadic Hospital, Maryam Abacha Hospital and Iman Hospital, while the pharmaceutical shops are: Binji, Zumunci, Rauda and Maigobir pharmacies, among others. (NAN)


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