Bauchi state governor Bala Mohammed has expressed gratitudeto the good people of the state, especially his numerous supporters and partymembers for their solidarity, love and prayers within the two days of the SupremeCourt hearing.
The Governor in a message to the people of the state through
his media aide, Muktari Gidado described their contributions and sacrifices asunprecedented and encouraging.Governor Bala Mohammed sought for Allah’s assistance,guidance to the right path, and appreciated the entire people of the state fortheir love and concern extended to him
and his family.” Praise be Allah, Lord of the universe; the most beneficent,the most merciful; the master of the day of judgment; It is You we worship andit’s from You we seek for assistance; Guide us to the right path; The path ofthose who earn your favour, not those who erred or those who go astray.”
“We thank Allah SWT for His mercies and blessings. Wethank our most exalted prophet, our parents, guardians and indeed all our goodleaders”, he was quoted as saying.