
Bauchi Police arrest kidnappers who kill a 15yrs. old boy after Collecting N5.5 million ransom

Police in Bauchi say they have arrested suspected kidnappers on Sunday who killed a 15 year old boy, Abubakar Sadiq Suleiman after collecting N5.5 million ransom.

DSP Kamal Datti the Bauchi Police Spokesman said they have arrested some suspected kidnappers who were believed to be behind the killing of Abubakar Suleiman, a 15 year-old Secondary School student in Bauchi who was brutally murdered.

Kamal said investigation is ongoing to arrest the remaining suspected culprits who constitute the gangs of the kidnappers.

 “We are disturbed by this incident and the police in Bauchi is on trail to arrest the remaining culprits and bring them to book,” Kamal had said.

Narrating how the 15 year old boy was killed, his father, Dr Suleiman Auwal said “I received a call from my son and heard some people asking me if I was his father, I confirmed to them that I was his father.

“I was in the office when they called me, they now informed me that they had kidnapped my son, and that I must pay ransom of N10 million”, he emotionally told newsmen in Bauchi.

He said the kidnappers called him after two days, demanding N7 million and after series of pleas and negotiations the sum of N5.5 million was paid as ransom.

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Auwal said the money to the kidnappers was paid through two accounts, but regretted that it could not save his son.

“They said we should go to Inkil or Kangere, a suburb the metropolis to pick my son, when we got there, we could not see him to pick him as promised by his abductors”.

Auwal said the police had arrested the suspect and recovered his remains.

Kidnapping in Bauchi State has in recent times becomes the order of the day.

WikkiTimes recalls that the elder brother to Bauchi State Governor Bala Mohammed regained his freedom from kidnappers a few days ago.

It was not clear whether ransom was paid before securing the release of the governor’s brother.


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