
Democracy Day: Tinubu Ignores Security in Speech as Nigerians, Police Killed Days Earlier

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has ignored to discuss Nigeria’s insecurity in his Democracy Day Speech to Nigerians.

The president in a nationwide address assured Nigerians that his administration will continue to uphold the tenets of democracy and assured citizens of better economic opportunities.

However, few days to the Democracy Day, Nigeria witnessed series of attacks on both citizens and security personnel that protect the lives and property of Nigerians.

The attacks which claimed lives of security personnel were perpetrated by non-state actors across different parts of the country with massive abduction of innocent travelers on the nation’s highways.

At least 50 people were killed in Kankara LGA of Katsina while four police officers and members of the state’s Watch Corps were killed in bandit attacks.

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Recall that Boko Haram terror blocked travellers along Maiduguri-Kano Road and kidnapped scores of people.

In Niger and Abia states, suspected bandits and Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) have killed a number of security personnel working hard to restore peace in the areas.

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It’s lack of priority

A security expert, Capt. Abdullahi Bakoji Adamu (rtd.), said acknowledging the incidents in the speech will depict the President’s sympathy and give hopes to the citizens.

“The omission of security issues in President Tinubu’s Democracy Day Speech is quite concerning. Given the gravity of the current security challenges, this omission could be interpreted in several ways. It may suggest a lack of prioritization of security matters or a strategic decision to focus on other issues,” Adamu told WikkiTimes.

He added “the recent violence and loss of lives are significant events that should be acknowledged by the President. Mentioning these incidents would have provided an opportunity to express empathy and solidarity with the victims and their families.

According to Adamu, democracy cannot truly thrive in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.

He said “For democracy to function effectively, citizens must feel safe and secure in exercising their rights and participating in the political process. Insecurity undermines the rule of law, restricts freedoms, and erodes trust in democratic institutions. Therefore, ensuring security is a fundamental prerequisite for a healthy and functioning democracy.”

According to him, to combat the lingering insecurity in the country, the government needs to take a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that involves strengthening security forces, enhance the capacity and coordination of the military, police, and other security agencies.

He added that other strategies include community engagement, addressing root causes including tackling underlying issues such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education and ensure transparency, accountability, and good governance to build public trust and reduce corruption, which often exacerbates security issues.

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