
Jos Terminus Market: The story of the ruined oil well of Plateau

“A lot of concerned citizen believed that Jos could not have been the way it is today had the market remained in existence for these long period and its economic potential optimally harnessed by the government and other key stakeholders ” writes Abdul-Majid Lawal .

Once upon a time, there was in Jos the edifice that was once

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the cynosure of many eyes and a tourist delight which is believed to be thelargest indoor market in West Africa that have became the star of the continent’scommercial hub because of its amazing architectural design and unique structures.

The Jos terminus market project was initiated by the firstmilitary governor of the old Benue-Plateau – J.D Gomwalk and extended to thetenure of the first Civilian governor of Plateau State Solomon Lar who completedit in 1985.

The market was destroyed seventeen (17) years after it completion as a result of horrible mid-night inferno that consumed over 5000 shops with properties worth millions of Naira which lead to thousands of traders thrown out of business and living the market lying in a waste for almost two decades.

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Jos main market used to be the largest source of revenue forPlateau state during its period of existence. A lot of concerned citizenbelieved that Jos could not have been the way it is today had the marketremained in existence for these long period and its economic potentialoptimally harnessed by the government and other key stakeholders. Many roads,schools and other important projects could have been built through the revenuegenerated during these years of its collapse.

More so, because of its neutral location free from the tagged ‘No go areas’ in Jos, the Jos Main market plays the role of uniting people from different faith and origin for commercial activities, it is on record that with all the recorded crisis in Jos and Plateau state overtime, there was never a time when a communal crisis is believed to have been engineered in the perimeter of the terminus business area. It’s a peaceful and happy market where everyone does his/her business without causing harm to the other person.

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Apart from the pains as a result of the destroyed billionsof naira project and the subsequent massive drop in the states revenue, anotherpathetic story is how thousands of big traders were thrown out of business andturned to zero capital as a result of the market collapse. Many lives were lostas a result of tension and shock the incidence caused, many children lost theirEducation, marriages have broken and countless suicides to mention but a few.

After the 2002 and other infernos that occurred in themarket, businesses continue in the rubbles of the standing part of the marketsustaining the glory of the destroyed market till today. Over 1000 shops withan approximate of 26, 000 members continued with their businesses in thedisorganize market surrounding until when the plateau state government launch aN1.1billion worth special demolition early this year with the aim to rebuildthe market, traders were disperse and market activities were crippled whichlead to the looming of uncertainty and anxiety in the mind of customers as wellas traders benefitting from the market.

Even with the fury caused by the rebuilding discomfort, Manywell wishers still could not hide their joy when the then Plateau StateCommissioner for Budget and Economic Planning, Mr Sylvester Wallangko said during the 2019 budget break down that thestate government has earmarked the sum of N1.1 billion for the demolition ofthe Jos Terminus Market . It was expected that the rebuilding project willstart ASAP looking at the huge amounts of money the government budgeted for the‘special demolition’.

Since after the special demolition in May this year, allconstruction work stopped, the demolishers left and traders whose shops weredemolished numbering more a thousand were left in a sorry state. The leadershipof the market had reportedly ask the government to make temporary provisionsfor them within the market premises since the project is divided into phases toreduce their plight and discomfort but the request was obviously jettisoned bythe government.

The status quo is nothing more than a sorry state of tradersscattered around a collapsed market and road sides in a very pathetic andunorganized manner.

The need for government to massively mobilize work for theimmediate commencement of the rebuilding project cannot be overstated, it willbring back hope in people’s mind and support the government plan to boostcommercial activities in and around the state. Also noting that, as big as Jostown is, one should not expect people to live without an organize ultra modernmarket where customers can freely and comfortably transact peacefully. 

The effort to relocate the market by previous administrationfailed because it didn’t suit the balance need of majority of the consumers andtraders in the town. Jos main market as unity market posses all the basicrequirements of a good market that no economic bias government can afford tojettisoned no matter how difficult executing the project seems to appear.

The present state government headed by the peace governor –Barr Simon Bako Lalong is advised to be more proactive in breaking the jinx toactualize and sustain what it has started. As the financial burden increase perday the government needs to diversify its income through revenue generation inother to meet the increasing public demands.

The Governor ones said that the state government wouldrebuild the abandoned Jos Terminus Market in order to generate enough revenueto pay the new minimum wage approved by President Muhammadu Buhari, this isindeed a welcome development and we look forward to seeing it happening underhis tenure.

Abdulmajid Lawal who tweet @abdul_majid84 writes from Jos, Plateau.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect WikkiTimes’ editorial stance.

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