BauchiState government and the 20 local government councils in the state have
received a total of seventeen billion five hundred and eighty seven millioneight hundred and eighty four thousand six hundred and thirty six Naira sixteenKobo (17, 587, 884,636.16) for the months of June and July, 2019 from theFederation Account Allocation Committee FAAC.The figures were obtained from the website of Office of Accountant General of the Federation, which publishes monthly allocations to the federal government, the 36 states and the 774 local government councils across the country.
Asat the time of filing this report, the Office of the Accountant General’swebsite only published figures for the months of June and July, whileallocations for the months of August and September were yet to be put onto thewebsite.
Inarriving at the figure, WikkiTimes summed up the allocations to the state governmentfor the two months under review, and painstakingly calculated the amountallocated to each of the 20 local governments over the same period.
Outof the seventeen billion five hundred and eighty seven million allocated to thetwo tiers in the state, the state government got the highest allocation of ninebillion three hundred and forty five million seven hundred and ninety seventhousand three hundred and ninety Naira forty seven Kobo (N9,345,797,390.47).
Thiscomprised of four billion four hundred and sixty eight million one hundred andseventy thousand eight hundred and forty eight Naira seventy five Kobo (4,468,170,848.75)for the month of June and four billion eight hundred and seventy seven millionfive hundred and thirty six thousand five hundred and forty one Naira seventytwo Kobo (4,877,536,541.72) for the month of July.
Onthe other hand, the 20 local government councils got eight billion two hundredand forty two million eighty seven thousand two hundred and forty five Nairasixty nine Kobo (8, 242, 087, 245.69), being their total allocation for the twomonths under review.
Whendisaggregated, the 20 LGAs received Three billion nine hundred and seventy onemillion three hundred and ninety eight thousand one hundred and thirty sixNaira fourteen Kobo (N3,971,398,136.14)for the month of June and four billion two hundred and seventy million sixhundred and eighty nine thousand onehundred and nine Naira fifty five Kobo (N4, 270, 689, 109. 55) for July.
Allocation to eachof the 20 LGAs for the two months
Alkaleri N531, 317, 532. 60 |
Bauchi N646, 679, 459. 83 |
Bogoro N289, 040, 985. 18 |
Dambam N340, 957, 385. 06 |
Darazo N429, 126, 351. 40 |
Dass N288, 273, 127. 29 |
Gamawa N453, 863, 693. 21 |
Ganjuwa N451, 719, 268. 00 |
Giade N328, 808, 660. 25 |
I/Gadau N377, 489, 659. 41 |
Jama’are N293, 487, 110. 43 |
Katagum N446, 098, 206. 33 |
Kirfi N360, 442, 567. 07 |
Misau N427, 075, 478. 28 |
Ningi N482, 155, 922. 79 |
Shira N409, 186, 752. 73 |
T Balewa N401, 664, 799. 82 |
Toro N551, 979, 438. 79 |
Warji N315, 761, 006. 69 |
Zaki N357, 478, 866. 21 |